Tag: Georegistry

In the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), fragmented health facility data poses significant challenges to resource allocation and service delivery. IASO is implemented in the DRC to identify health facilities location and their available equipment and improve healthcare access assessment.

IASO has partnered with LifeNet International to develop a unified M&E platform that spans six countries—Uganda, Kenya, Burundi, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Malawi, and Ghana. This platform integrates geo-structured data collection, decentralized user management, and seamless DHIS2 integration, empowering LifeNet to improve healthcare coordination across its extensive network.

In Cameroon, the micro-planning of vaccination campaigns has traditionally been a manual, often cumbersome process. The digitization of this process, particularly through tools like IASO, marks a significant advancement in enhancing the efficiency and impact of these campaigns.

Two districts in Burkina Faso happened to have very low COVID-19 vaccination coverage. IASO was used to conduct a household survey according to pre-defined geographic areas, in order to guide future vaccination strategies.