Microplanning for COVID-19 Households Survey in Burkina Faso

August 1, 2024

Two districts in Burkina Faso happened to have very low COVID-19 vaccination coverage. IASO was used to conduct a household survey according to pre-defined geographic areas, in order to guide future vaccination strategies.

At the end of December 2021, with only 4.5% of the population aged 18 and over vaccinated against COVID-19 in Burkina Faso (according to the Ministry of Health), the country launched its first intensive vaccination campaigns against the disease. The goal was to vaccinate 70% of the population by the end of 2022. Several other similar campaigns followed in 2022.

The case of the Centre region

In the Centre region, as of December 31, 2022, the full COVID-19 vaccination coverage was 12.98%. Two health districts in the Centre region, Sig-Noghin and Nongr-Massom, recorded the lowest administrative coverage rates in the region. Meanwhile, Burkina Faso had been facing a humanitarian crisis for several months, leading to an increase in displaced persons and changes in the composition of the populations targeted for vaccination.

A household survey with IASO

In this context, a household survey was organized by the Regional Health and Public Hygiene Directorate of the Centre from March 15 to 25, 2023. The objectives of this survey were:

  • To estimate the actual COVID-19 vaccination coverage in these two health districts
  • To identify the main reasons for the low uptake of COVID-19 vaccination in these two districts
  • To redirect the strategies of future intensified campaigns using the scientific evidence provided by this survey

As the technical partner of the project, Bluesquare deployed the digital and open-source tool IASO to carry out the data collection work to meet these objectives. It was used in this context to collect data via mobile devices at the enumeration areas. IASO was chosen for its geographic data management capabilities (geo-registry). Enumeration areas were determined in advance, and surveyors were able to complete their survey forms while verifying that they were geographically in the correct area, even while offline.

Planning screen
Assigning teams to enumeration areas from IASO Microplanning interface

Trusted by

IASO has become a trusted name for health data management with implementations in 12 countries and two large-scale multi-country projects, in support to the Global Polio Eradication Initiative and UN nutrition programs.
  • World Health Organization
  • The World Bank
    The World Bank
  • PMI logo
    U.S. President's Malaria Initiative
  • Unicef
  • GAVI logo
  • Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
    Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
  • Cordaid
  • Lifenet logo
    Lifenet international
  • Abt Associates
    Abt Associates
  • Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue
    Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue
  • SANRU - Soins de Santé primaires en milieu Rural (DRC)
    SANRU - Soins de Santé primaires en milieu Rural (DRC)
  • Cameroon Expanded Programme on Immunization
    Cameroon Expanded Programme On Immunisation
  • Ministry of Health Burkina Faso
    Burkina Faso Ministry of Health
  • Cote d'Ivoire Malaria National Programme
    Cote d'Ivoire Malaria National Programme
  • Democratic Republic of Congo Ministry of Health
    Democratic Republic of Congo Ministry of Health
  • Niger Ministry of Health
    Niger Ministry of Health

Latest about IASO

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In 2024, Bluesquare worked hand in hand with the National Malaria Control Program (NMCP) in Côte d’Ivoire to digitalize the microplanning, household enumeration, and distribution processes of Long-Lasting Insecticidal Nets (LLINs) through the IASO digital platform.

In the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), fragmented health facility data poses significant challenges to resource allocation and service delivery. IASO is implemented in the DRC to identify health facilities location and their available equipment and improve healthcare access assessment.

In Cameroon, the micro-planning of vaccination campaigns has traditionally been a manual, often cumbersome process. The digitization of this process, particularly through tools like IASO, marks a significant advancement in enhancing the efficiency and impact of these campaigns.

As part of efforts to improve healthcare coverage in Niger, the georegistry features of IASO have played a crucial role in identifying and managing 329 community health workers in the Tahoua and Dosso regions in 2024.

IASO has partnered with LifeNet International to develop a unified M&E platform that spans six countries—Uganda, Kenya, Burundi, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Malawi, and Ghana. This platform integrates geo-structured data collection, decentralized user management, and seamless DHIS2 integration, empowering LifeNet to improve healthcare coordination across its extensive network.

Two districts in Burkina Faso happened to have very low COVID-19 vaccination coverage. IASO was used to conduct a household survey according to pre-defined geographic areas, in order to guide future vaccination strategies.

Polio vaccination campaigns calendar based on IASO

Bluesquare has brought forward IASO’s advanced geographic data management capabilities to develop a more integrated approach to managing polio vaccination campaigns across Africa with the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI).

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