Measles Vaccination Campaign Digitalization with IASO in Cameroon

August 15, 2024

In Cameroon, the micro-planning of vaccination campaigns has traditionally been a manual, often cumbersome process. The digitization of this process, particularly through tools like IASO, marks a significant advancement in enhancing the efficiency and impact of these campaigns.

Baby waiting for measles vaccination

Context and Challenges

Traditionally, micro-planning in Cameroon involved cascading workshops where health teams hand-drew maps and filled in Excel spreadsheets. These methods presented several challenges:

  • Data inaccuracy and inconsistency: planning data were often imprecise and hard to reuse, necessitating a fresh data collection exercise for each planning cycle.
  • Inefficient resource allocation: resource allocation based on approximate data made plan implementation difficult.
  • Lack of monitoring and updating: monitoring the execution of micro-plans was nearly impossible, as was adapting plans to dynamic contexts.

To address these challenges, the Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI) of the Ministry of Public Health of Cameroon adopted geographic information systems and digital technologies, with IASO at the core of this transformation. The digitization aims to create an exhaustive, validated, and georeferenced database to facilitate the development and monitoring of micro-plans for health areas and districts via IASO mobile application and web interface.

Poster to announce the national measles vaccination campaign
Poster to announce the national measles vaccination campaign


  1. Geolocated data collection: use of the “Cameroon Collect” mobile application to gather all data on the IASO platform, including organizational units and associated forms.
  2. Quality control and validation: hierarchical validation of data, ensuring the completeness and accuracy of the collected information.
  3. Micro-planning: development of a web form using georeferenced data, with participatory micro-planning workshops involving local communities.
Microplans download from IASO
Microplans download from IASO
Map from paper to IASO
Map from paper to IASO

Results and Benefits

The benefits of digitization with IASO are numerous:

  • Better resource allocation: georeferenced micro-data allows for resource allocation based on real needs.
  • Improved monitoring: a visualization dashboard enables tracking of geographic coverage and identifying poorly or uncovered localities.
  • Time efficiency and effectiveness: collected data is easily updated and reusable, reducing time spent on data collection and allowing a focus on planning and execution.
Tailored dashboard based on real time data collected via IASO
Tailored dashboard based on real time data collected via IASO

Key Figures

  • 27,359 localities geolocated with directories of key stakeholders.
  • 6,310 health facilities geolocated and inventoried.
  • 1,985 health areas and 200 districts geo-coded.
  • Automatic generation of micro-plan files in Excel and PDF formats, accessible online.

Lessons Learned and Next Steps

The lessons learned from this experience will guide future campaigns and routine vaccination planning. The use of satellite imagery to refine locality identification and the integration of the IASO interface into the EPI website are planned to further improve data efficiency and completeness.


IASO represents an innovative tool transforming the way vaccination campaigns are planned and executed in Cameroon. By enabling precise data collection, efficient resource allocation, and rigorous monitoring, IASO plays a crucial role in achieving vaccination goals, particularly those aiming to leave no one behind.

Trusted by

IASO has become a trusted name for health data management with implementations in 12 countries and two large-scale multi-country projects, in support to the Global Polio Eradication Initiative and UN nutrition programs.
  • World Health Organization
  • The World Bank
    The World Bank
  • PMI logo
    U.S. President's Malaria Initiative
  • Unicef
  • GAVI logo
  • Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
    Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
  • Cordaid
  • Lifenet logo
    Lifenet international
  • Abt Associates
    Abt Associates
  • Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue
    Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue
  • SANRU - Soins de Santé primaires en milieu Rural (DRC)
    SANRU - Soins de Santé primaires en milieu Rural (DRC)
  • Cameroon Expanded Programme on Immunization
    Cameroon Expanded Programme On Immunisation
  • Ministry of Health Burkina Faso
    Burkina Faso Ministry of Health
  • Cote d'Ivoire Malaria National Programme
    Cote d'Ivoire Malaria National Programme
  • Democratic Republic of Congo Ministry of Health
    Democratic Republic of Congo Ministry of Health
  • Niger Ministry of Health
    Niger Ministry of Health

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In Cameroon, the micro-planning of vaccination campaigns has traditionally been a manual, often cumbersome process. The digitization of this process, particularly through tools like IASO, marks a significant advancement in enhancing the efficiency and impact of these campaigns.

As part of efforts to improve healthcare coverage in Niger, the georegistry features of IASO have played a crucial role in identifying and managing 329 community health workers in the Tahoua and Dosso regions in 2024.

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Two districts in Burkina Faso happened to have very low COVID-19 vaccination coverage. IASO was used to conduct a household survey according to pre-defined geographic areas, in order to guide future vaccination strategies.

Polio vaccination campaigns calendar based on IASO

Bluesquare has brought forward IASO’s advanced geographic data management capabilities to develop a more integrated approach to managing polio vaccination campaigns across Africa with the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI).

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